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Originally from Pensacola, Florida, I now live in Anchorage, Alaska where I am working toward my Masters in Environmental Science (while soaking up the beauty of near-Arctic ecosystems!). My passion is working in field based research to better understand how organisms interact within communities and adapt to changing environmental variables. I strive to incorporate my efforts in research, education and awareness to work toward better conservation for our marine environments.


When I am not in the field chasing crabs, you can find me rock climbing, traveling or in the lab tending to a quirky giant Pacific octopus named "Darwin". Outside of my love for research, I also enjoy learning and teaching others how to lead an environmentally focused life. This includes minimizing my carbon footprint, learning about healthy diet choices and fighting anthropogenic waste in our oceans.


After completing my MSc, it is my hope to work with marine conservation efforts before pursuing a PhD in coastal ecology. 



Community Ecology

Most notably in marine environments

2015 - Present

Alaska Pacific University

MSc Environmental Science (Candidate)

Thesis: Prey availability and preference of Enteroctopus dofleini in Prince William Sound, Alaska

Predator- Prey Interactions

Such as my current research on giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) and five species of intertidal crabs

Animal Physiology

Especially in extreme environments, such as intertidal regions

Climate Change

This topic is often incorporated with other interests

2009 - 2013

University of West Florida

BSc Marine Biology

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